DGNN-Booster: A Generic FPGA Accelerator Framework For Dynamic Graph Neural Network Inference

by   Hanqiu Chen, et al.

Dynamic Graph Neural Networks (DGNNs) are becoming increasingly popular due to their effectiveness in analyzing and predicting the evolution of complex interconnected graph-based systems. However, hardware deployment of DGNNs still remains a challenge. First, DGNNs do not fully utilize hardware resources because temporal data dependencies cause low hardware parallelism. Additionally, there is currently a lack of generic DGNN hardware accelerator frameworks, and existing GNN accelerator frameworks have limited ability to handle dynamic graphs with changing topologies and node features. To address the aforementioned challenges, in this paper, we propose DGNN-Booster, which is a novel Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) accelerator framework for real-time DGNN inference using High-Level Synthesis (HLS). It includes two different FPGA accelerator designs with different dataflows that can support the most widely used DGNNs. We showcase the effectiveness of our designs by implementing and evaluating two representative DGNN models on ZCU102 board and measuring the end-to-end performance. The experiment results demonstrate that DGNN-Booster can achieve a speedup of up to 5.6x compared to the CPU baseline (6226R), 8.4x compared to the GPU baseline (A6000) and 2.1x compared to the FPGA baseline without applying optimizations proposed in this paper. Moreover, DGNN-Booster can achieve over 100x and over 1000x runtime energy efficiency than the CPU and GPU baseline respectively. Our implementation code and on-board measurements are publicly available at https://github.com/sharc-lab/DGNN-Booster.


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