Distributed Byzantine Tolerant Stochastic Gradient Descent in the Era of Big Data

by   Richeng Jin, et al.

The recent advances in sensor technologies and smart devices enable the collaborative collection of a sheer volume of data from multiple information sources. As a promising tool to efficiently extract useful information from such big data, machine learning has been pushed to the forefront and seen great success in a wide range of relevant areas such as computer vision, health care, and financial market analysis. To accommodate the large volume of data, there is a surge of interest in the design of distributed machine learning, among which stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is one of the mostly adopted methods. Nonetheless, distributed machine learning methods may be vulnerable to Byzantine attack, in which the adversary can deliberately share falsified information to disrupt the intended machine learning procedures. Therefore, two asynchronous Byzantine tolerant SGD algorithms are proposed in this work, in which the honest collaborative workers are assumed to store the model parameters derived from their own local data and use them as the ground truth. The proposed algorithms can deal with an arbitrary number of Byzantine attackers and are provably convergent. Simulation results based on a real-world dataset are presented to verify the theoretical results and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.


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