EDDA: Explanation-driven Data Augmentation to Improve Model and Explanation Alignment

by   Ruiwen Li, et al.

Recent years have seen the introduction of a range of methods for post-hoc explainability of image classifier predictions. However, these post-hoc explanations may not always align perfectly with classifier predictions, which poses a significant challenge when attempting to debug models based on such explanations. To this end, we seek a methodology that can improve alignment between model predictions and explanation method that is both agnostic to the model and explanation classes and which does not require ground truth explanations. We achieve this through a novel explanation-driven data augmentation (EDDA) method that augments the training data with occlusions of existing data stemming from model-explanations; this is based on the simple motivating principle that occluding salient regions for the model prediction should decrease the model confidence in the prediction, while occluding non-salient regions should not change the prediction – if the model and explainer are aligned. To verify that this augmentation method improves model and explainer alignment, we evaluate the methodology on a variety of datasets, image classification models, and explanation methods. We verify in all cases that our explanation-driven data augmentation method improves alignment of the model and explanation in comparison to no data augmentation and non-explanation driven data augmentation methods. In conclusion, this approach provides a novel model- and explainer-agnostic methodology for improving alignment between model predictions and explanations, which we see as a critical step forward for practical deployment and debugging of image classification models.


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