Emergency Equity: Access and Emergency Medical Services in San Francisco

by   Robert Newton, et al.

In 2020, California required San Francisco to consider equity in access to resources such as housing, transportation, and emergency services as it re-opened its economy post-pandemic. Using a public dataset maintained by the San Francisco Fire Department of every call received related to emergency response from January 2003 to April 2021, we calculated the response times and distances to the closest of 48 fire stations and 14 local emergency rooms. We used logistic regression to determine the probability of meeting the averages of response time, distance from a fire station, and distance to an emergency room based on the median income bracket of a ZIP code based on IRS statement of income data. ZIP codes in the lowest bracket (25,000-50,000 annually) consistently had the lowest probability of meeting average response metrics. This was most notable for distances to emergency rooms, where calls from ZIP codes in the lowest income bracket had an 11.5 city's average distance (1 mile) of an emergency room, while the next lowest probability (for the income bracket of 100,000-200,000 annually) was 75.9 As San Francisco considers equity as a part of California's "Blueprint for a Safer Economy," it should evaluate the distribution of access to emergency services. Keywords: fire department, emergency medical services, emergency rooms, equity, logistic regression


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