Enabling SQL-based Training Data Debugging for Federated Learning

by   Yejia Liu, et al.

How can we debug a logistical regression model in a federated learning setting when seeing the model behave unexpectedly (e.g., the model rejects all high-income customers' loan applications)? The SQL-based training data debugging framework has proved effective to fix this kind of issue in a non-federated learning setting. Given an unexpected query result over model predictions, this framework automatically removes the label errors from training data such that the unexpected behavior disappears in the retrained model. In this paper, we enable this powerful framework for federated learning. The key challenge is how to develop a security protocol for federated debugging which is proved to be secure, efficient, and accurate. Achieving this goal requires us to investigate how to seamlessly integrate the techniques from multiple fields (Databases, Machine Learning, and Cybersecurity). We first propose FedRain, which extends Rain, the state-of-the-art SQL-based training data debugging framework, to our federated learning setting. We address several technical challenges to make FedRain work and analyze its security guarantee and time complexity. The analysis results show that FedRain falls short in terms of both efficiency and security. To overcome these limitations, we redesign our security protocol and propose Frog, a novel SQL-based training data debugging framework tailored for federated learning. Our theoretical analysis shows that Frog is more secure, more accurate, and more efficient than FedRain. We conduct extensive experiments using several real-world datasets and a case study. The experimental results are consistent with our theoretical analysis and validate the effectiveness of Frog in practice.


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