Enhanced Multigradient Dilution Preparation

by   Meenakshi Sanyal, et al.

Abstract: In our paper the new algorithm enhanced multi gradient Dilution Preparation (EMDP) is discussed. This new algorithm is reported with a lab on chip or digital Microfluidic biochip to operate multiple operation on a tiny chip. We can use Digital Microfluidic biochip to operate multiple operation on a tiny chip. Samples are very costly which are used in any Biochemical laboratory Protocols. For the case of fast and high throughput application, It is essential to minimize the cost of operations and the time of operations and that is why one of the most challenging and important phase is sample preparation. In our proposed algorithm, we have hide to reduce sample droplets and waste droplets and for this purpose waste recycling is used, when different series of multi gradient targets concentration factors (CFS) are generated. We have compared our proposed algorithm with recent dilution techniques such as MTC, REMIA, and WARA. For the storage of intermediate droplets which, and generated during this process, on chip storage space 0(n) is needed. Key words: Digital microfluidic Biochip, Drug discovery, sample preparation, Electro wetting.


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