Enhancing Physical Layer Security of Random Caching in Large-Scale Multi-Antenna Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

by   Wanli Wen, et al.

In this paper, we propose a novel secure random caching scheme for large-scale multi-antenna heterogeneous wireless networks, where the base stations (BSs) deliver randomly cached confidential contents to the legitimate users in the presence of passive eavesdroppers as well as active jammers. In order to safeguard the content delivery, we consider that the BSs transmits the artificial noise together with the useful signals. By using tools from stochastic geometry, we first analyze the average reliable transmission probability (RTP) and the average confidential transmission probability (CTP), which take both the impact of the eavesdroppers and the impact of the jammers into consideration. We further provide tight upper and lower bounds on the average RTP. These analytical results enable us to obtain rich insights into the behaviors of the average RTP and the average CTP with respect to key system parameters. Moreover, we optimize the caching distribution of the files to maximize the average RTP of the system, while satisfying the constraints on the caching size and the average CTP. Through numerical results, we show that our proposed secure random caching scheme can effectively boost the secrecy performance of the system compared to the existing solutions.


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