Equivariant relative submajorization

by   Gergely Bunthy, et al.

We study a generalization of relative submajorization that compares pairs of positive operators on representation spaces of some fixed group. A pair equivariantly relatively submajorizes another if there is an equivariant subnormalized channel that takes the components of the first pair a pair satisfying similar positivity constraints as in the definition of relative submajorization. In the context of the resource theory approach to thermodynamics, this generalization allows one to study transformations by Gibbs-preserving maps that are in addition time-translation symmetric. We find a sufficient condition for the existence of catalytic transformations and a characterization of an asymptotic relaxation of the relation. For classical and certain quantum pairs the characterization is in terms of explicit monotone quantities related to the sandwiched quantum Rényi divergences. In the general quantum case the relevant quantities are given only implicitly. Nevertheless, we find a large collection of monotones that provide necessary conditions for asymptotic or catalytic transformations. When applied to time-translation symmetric maps, these give rise to second laws that constrain state transformations allowed by thermal operations even in the presence of catalysts.


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