EVKG: An Interlinked and Interoperable Electric Vehicle Knowledge Graph for Smart Transportation System

by   Yanlin Qi, et al.

Over the past decade, the electric vehicle industry has experienced unprecedented growth and diversification, resulting in a complex ecosystem. To effectively manage this multifaceted field, we present an EV-centric knowledge graph (EVKG) as a comprehensive, cross-domain, extensible, and open geospatial knowledge management system. The EVKG encapsulates essential EV-related knowledge, including EV adoption, electric vehicle supply equipment, and electricity transmission network, to support decision-making related to EV technology development, infrastructure planning, and policy-making by providing timely and accurate information and analysis. To enrich and contextualize the EVKG, we integrate the developed EV-relevant ontology modules from existing well-known knowledge graphs and ontologies. This integration enables interoperability with other knowledge graphs in the Linked Data Open Cloud, enhancing the EVKG's value as a knowledge hub for EV decision-making. Using six competency questions, we demonstrate how the EVKG can be used to answer various types of EV-related questions, providing critical insights into the EV ecosystem. Our EVKG provides an efficient and effective approach for managing the complex and diverse EV industry. By consolidating critical EV-related knowledge into a single, easily accessible resource, the EVKG supports decision-makers in making informed choices about EV technology development, infrastructure planning, and policy-making. As a flexible and extensible platform, the EVKG is capable of accommodating a wide range of data sources, enabling it to evolve alongside the rapidly changing EV landscape.


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