Fast Exact Computation of Expected HyperVolume Improvement

by   Guang Zhao, et al.

In multi-objective Bayesian optimization and surrogate-based evolutionary algorithms, Expected HyperVolume Improvement (EHVI) is widely used as the acquisition function to guide the search approaching the Pareto front. This paper focuses on the exact calculation of EHVI given a nondominated set, for which the existing exact algorithms are complex and can be inefficient for problems with more than three objectives. Integrating with different decomposition algorithms, we propose a new method for calculating the integral in each decomposed high-dimensional box in constant time. We develop three new exact EHVI calculation algorithms based on three region decomposition methods. The first grid-based algorithm has a complexity of O(m· n^m) with n denoting the size of the nondominated set and m the number of objectives. The Walking Fish Group (WFG)-based algorithm has a worst-case complexity of O(m· 2^n) but has a better average performance. These two can be applied for problems with any m. The third CLM-based algorithm is only for m=3 and asymptotically optimal with complexity Θ(nn). Performance comparison results show that all our three algorithms are at least twice faster than the state-of-the-art algorithms with the same decomposition methods. When m>3, our WFG-based algorithm can be over 10^2 faster than the corresponding existing algorithms. Our algorithm is demonstrated in an example involving efficient multi-objective material design with Bayesian optimization.


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