Fast processing explains the effect of sound reflection on binaural unmasking

by   Norbert Kolotzek, et al.

Sound reflections and late reverberation alter energetic and binaural cues of a target source, thereby affecting it's detection in noise. Two experiments investigated detection of harmonic complex tones, centered around 500 Hz, in noise in a virtual room with different modifications of simulated room impulse responses (RIR). Stimuli were auralized using the SOFE's loudspeakers in anechoic space. The target was presented from the front or at 0^∘ azimuth, while an anechoic noise masker was simultaneously presented at 0^∘. In the first experiment, early reflections were progressively added to the RIR and detection thresholds of the reverberant target were measured. For a frontal sound source, detection thresholds decreased while adding the first 45 ms of early reflections, whereas for a lateral sound source thresholds remained constant. In the second experiment, early reflections were cut out while late reflections were kept along with the direct sound. Results for a target at 0^∘ show that even reflections as late as 150 ms reduce detection thresholds compared to only the direct sound. A binaural model with a sluggishness component following the computation of binaural unmasking in short windows predicts measured and literature results better than when large windows are used.


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