Fast simulation of quantum algorithms using circuit optimization

by   Gian Giacomo Guerreschi, et al.

Classical simulators play a major role in the development and benchmark of quantum algorithms and practically any software framework for quantum computation provides the option of running the algorithms on simulators. However, the development of quantum simulators was substantially separated from the rest of the software frameworks which, instead, focus on usability and compilation. In practice, simulators are considered just one of many possible backends. Here, we demonstrate the advantage of co-developing and integrating simulators and compilers by proposing a specialized compiler pass to reduce the simulation time for arbitrary circuits. While the concept is broadly applicable, we present a concrete implementation based on the Intel Quantum Simulator, a high-performance distributed simulator. As part of this work, we extend its implementation with additional functionalities related to the representation of quantum states. The communication overhead is reduced by changing the order in which state amplitudes are stored in the distributed memory. We then implement a compiler pass to exploit the novel functionalities by introducing special instructions governing data movement as part of the quantum circuit. Those instructions target unique capabilities of simulators and have no analogue in actual quantum devices. To quantify the advantage, we compare the time required to simulate random circuits with and without our optimization. The simulation time is typically halved.


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