Fast Universal Style Transfer for Artistic and Photorealistic Rendering

by   Jie An, et al.

Universal style transfer is an image editing task that renders an input content image using the visual style of arbitrary reference images, including both artistic and photorealistic stylization. Given a pair of images as the source of content and the reference of style, existing solutions usually first train an auto-encoder (AE) to reconstruct the image using deep features and then embeds pre-defined style transfer modules into the AE reconstruction procedure to transfer the style of the reconstructed image through modifying the deep features. While existing methods typically need multiple rounds of time-consuming AE reconstruction for better stylization, our work intends to design novel neural network architectures on top of AE for fast style transfer with fewer artifacts and distortions all in one pass of end-to-end inference. To this end, we propose two network architectures named ArtNet and PhotoNet to improve artistic and photo-realistic stylization, respectively. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ArtNet generates images with fewer artifacts and distortions against the state-of-the-art artistic transfer algorithms, while PhotoNet improves the photorealistic stylization results by creating sharp images faithfully preserving rich details of the input content. Moreover, ArtNet and PhotoNet can achieve 3X to 100X speed-up over the state-of-the-art algorithms, which is a major advantage for large content images.


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