Filtering Empty Camera Trap Images in Embedded Systems

by   Fagner Cunha, et al.

Monitoring wildlife through camera traps produces a massive amount of images, whose a significant portion does not contain animals, being later discarded. Embedding deep learning models to identify animals and filter these images directly in those devices brings advantages such as savings in the storage and transmission of data, usually resource-constrained in this type of equipment. In this work, we present a comparative study on animal recognition models to analyze the trade-off between precision and inference latency on edge devices. To accomplish this objective, we investigate classifiers and object detectors of various input resolutions and optimize them using quantization and reducing the number of model filters. The confidence threshold of each model was adjusted to obtain 96 empty class are expected to be discarded. The experiments show that, when using the same set of images for training, detectors achieve superior performance, eliminating at least 10 latencies. Considering the high cost of generating labels for the detection problem, when there is a massive number of images labeled for classification (about one million instances, ten times more than those available for detection), classifiers are able to reach results comparable to detectors but with half latency.


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