FLOAT: Factorized Learning of Object Attributes for Improved Multi-object Multi-part Scene Parsing

by   Rishubh Singh, et al.

Multi-object multi-part scene parsing is a challenging task which requires detecting multiple object classes in a scene and segmenting the semantic parts within each object. In this paper, we propose FLOAT, a factorized label space framework for scalable multi-object multi-part parsing. Our framework involves independent dense prediction of object category and part attributes which increases scalability and reduces task complexity compared to the monolithic label space counterpart. In addition, we propose an inference-time 'zoom' refinement technique which significantly improves segmentation quality, especially for smaller objects/parts. Compared to state of the art, FLOAT obtains an absolute improvement of 2.0 segmentation quality IOU (sqIOU) on the Pascal-Part-58 dataset. For the larger Pascal-Part-108 dataset, the improvements are 2.1 We incorporate previously excluded part attributes and other minor parts of the Pascal-Part dataset to create the most comprehensive and challenging version which we dub Pascal-Part-201. FLOAT obtains improvements of 8.6 7.5 across a challenging diversity of objects and parts. The code and datasets are available at floatseg.github.io.


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