Framework Artifact for the Road-Based Physical Internet based on Internet Protocols

by   Steffen Kaup, et al.

The Physical Internet (PI) raises high expectations for efficiency gains in transport and logistics. The PI represents the network of logistics networks for physical objects in analogy to the Data Internet (DI). Road based traffic represents one of these logistics networks. Here, many empty runs and underutilized trips still take place. Hence, there is a lot of potential in the road-based Physical Internet (RBPI), which will have an impact on transport and logistics strategies, but also on vehicle design. On the DI, logistics strategies are implemented in protocols. In order to transfer such concepts to the RBPI, relevant protocols of the DI had been analyzed and transferred to the world of physical objects. However, not all functionalities can be transferred one-to-one, e.g. a data packet in the DI can simply be re-generated by a hub in case of damage or loss. To compensate for the challenges, a framework artifact has been designed with appropriate transformation customizations based on design science principles. From this, resulting requirements for future vehicles were derived. This paper makes a contribution to the implementation of the RBPI in order to fit road based vehicles to the future world of transport and logistics.


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