GenCorres: Consistent Shape Matching via Coupled Implicit-Explicit Shape Generative Models

by   Haitao Yang, et al.

This paper introduces GenCorres, a novel unsupervised joint shape matching (JSM) approach. The basic idea of GenCorres is to learn a parametric mesh generator to fit an unorganized deformable shape collection while constraining deformations between adjacent synthetic shapes to preserve geometric structures such as local rigidity and local conformality. GenCorres presents three appealing advantages over existing JSM techniques. First, GenCorres performs JSM among a synthetic shape collection whose size is much bigger than the input shapes and fully leverages the data-driven power of JSM. Second, GenCorres unifies consistent shape matching and pairwise matching (i.e., by enforcing deformation priors between adjacent synthetic shapes). Third, the generator provides a concise encoding of consistent shape correspondences. However, learning a mesh generator from an unorganized shape collection is challenging. It requires a good initial fitting to each shape and can easily get trapped by local minimums. GenCorres addresses this issue by learning an implicit generator from the input shapes, which provides intermediate shapes between two arbitrary shapes. We introduce a novel approach for computing correspondences between adjacent implicit surfaces and force the correspondences to preserve geometric structures and be cycle-consistent. Synthetic shapes of the implicit generator then guide initial fittings (i.e., via template-based deformation) for learning the mesh generator. Experimental results show that GenCorres considerably outperforms state-of-the-art JSM techniques on benchmark datasets. The synthetic shapes of GenCorres preserve local geometric features and yield competitive performance gains against state-of-the-art deformable shape generators.


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