Generic Tagging for RISC-V Binaries

by   David Demicco, et al.

With the widespread popularity of RISC-V – an open-source ISA – custom hardware security solutions targeting specific defense needs are gaining popularity. These solutions often require specialized compilers that can insert metadata (called tags) into the generated binaries, and/or extend the RISC-V ISA with new instructions. Developing such compilers can be a tedious and time-consuming process. In this paper, we present COGENT, a generic instruction tag generator for RISC-V architecture. COGENT is capable of associating a tag of configurable and varying widths (1 to 20 bits) to each instruction. It is also capable of emitting labels that are central to the implementation of control-flow integrity (CFI) solutions. COGENT encodes all tags and labels as nop instructions thereby providing full backward compatibility. We evaluate COGENT on a subset of programs from the SPEC CPU2017 benchmark suite and report the binary size increase to be 29.3 and highest tag coverage levels respectively. Additionally, we executed tagged programs on COTS RISC-V unmodified hardware and found the execution time overhead (with respect to backward compatibility) to be 13.4 lowest and highest coverage levels respectively. Finally, using a case study, we present possible use case scenarios where COGENT can be applied.


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