Graph Meets LLM: A Novel Approach to Collaborative Filtering for Robust Conversational Understanding

by   Zheng Chen, et al.

Conversational AI systems such as Alexa need to understand defective queries to ensure robust conversational understanding and reduce user friction. These defective queries often arise from user ambiguities, mistakes, or errors in automatic speech recognition (ASR) and natural language understanding (NLU). Personalized query rewriting is an approach that focuses on reducing defects in queries by taking into account the user's individual behavior and preferences. It typically relies on an index of past successful user interactions with the conversational AI. However, unseen interactions within the user's history present additional challenges for personalized query rewriting. This paper presents our "Collaborative Query Rewriting" approach, which specifically addresses the task of rewriting new user interactions that have not been previously observed in the user's history. This approach builds a "User Feedback Interaction Graph" (FIG) of historical user-entity interactions and leverages multi-hop graph traversal to enrich each user's index to cover future unseen defective queries. The enriched user index is called a Collaborative User Index and contains hundreds of additional entries. To counteract precision degradation from the enlarged index, we add additional transformer layers to the L1 retrieval model and incorporate graph-based and guardrail features into the L2 ranking model. Since the user index can be pre-computed, we further investigate the utilization of a Large Language Model (LLM) to enhance the FIG for user-entity link prediction in the Video/Music domains. Specifically, this paper investigates the Dolly-V2 7B model. We found that the user index augmented by the fine-tuned Dolly-V2 generation significantly enhanced the coverage of future unseen user interactions, thereby boosting QR performance on unseen queries compared with the graph traversal only approach.


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