Graph Relation Aware Continual Learning

by   Qinghua Shen, et al.

Continual graph learning (CGL) studies the problem of learning from an infinite stream of graph data, consolidating historical knowledge, and generalizing it to the future task. At once, only current graph data are available. Although some recent attempts have been made to handle this task, we still face two potential challenges: 1) most of existing works only manipulate on the intermediate graph embedding and ignore intrinsic properties of graphs. It is non-trivial to differentiate the transferred information across graphs. 2) recent attempts take a parameter-sharing policy to transfer knowledge across time steps or progressively expand new architecture given shifted graph distribution. Learning a single model could loss discriminative information for each graph task while the model expansion scheme suffers from high model complexity. In this paper, we point out that latent relations behind graph edges can be attributed as an invariant factor for the evolving graphs and the statistical information of latent relations evolves. Motivated by this, we design a relation-aware adaptive model, dubbed as RAM-CG, that consists of a relation-discovery modular to explore latent relations behind edges and a task-awareness masking classifier to accounts for the shifted. Extensive experiments show that RAM-CG provides significant 2.2 improvements over the state-of-the-art results on CitationNet, OGBN-arxiv and TWITCH dataset, respective.


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