High-frequency estimates on boundary integral operators for the Helmholtz exterior Neumann problem

by   Jeffrey Galkowski, et al.

We study a commonly-used second-kind boundary-integral equation for solving the Helmholtz exterior Neumann problem at high frequency, where, writing Γ for the boundary of the obstacle, the relevant integral operators map L^2(Γ) to itself. We prove new frequency-explicit bounds on the norms of both the integral operator and its inverse. The bounds on the norm are valid for piecewise-smooth Γ and are sharp, and the bounds on the norm of the inverse are valid for smooth Γ and are observed to be sharp at least when Γ is curved. Together, these results give bounds on the condition number of the operator on L^2(Γ); this is the first time L^2(Γ) condition-number bounds have been proved for this operator for obstacles other than balls.


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