Hyper Attention Recurrent Neural Network: Tackling Temporal Covariate Shift in Time Series Analysis

by   Wenying Duan, et al.

Analyzing long time series with RNNs often suffers from infeasible training. Segmentation is therefore commonly used in data pre-processing. However, in non-stationary time series, there exists often distribution shift among different segments. RNN is easily swamped in the dilemma of fitting bias in these segments due to the lack of global information, leading to poor generalization, known as Temporal Covariate Shift (TCS) problem, which is only addressed by a recently proposed RNN-based model. One of the assumptions in TCS is that the distribution of all divided intervals under the same segment are identical. This assumption, however, may not be true on high-frequency time series, such as traffic flow, that also have large stochasticity. Besides, macro information across long periods isn't adequately considered in the latest RNN-based methods. To address the above issues, we propose Hyper Attention Recurrent Neural Network (HARNN) for the modeling of temporal patterns containing both micro and macro information. An HARNN consists of a meta layer for parameter generation and an attention-enabled main layer for inference. High-frequency segments are transformed into low-frequency segments and fed into the meta layers, while the first main layer consumes the same high-frequency segments as conventional methods. In this way, each low-frequency segment in the meta inputs generates a unique main layer, enabling the integration of both macro information and micro information for inference. This forces all main layers to predict the same target which fully harnesses the common knowledge in varied distributions when capturing temporal patterns. Evaluations on multiple benchmarks demonstrated that our model outperforms a couple of RNN-based methods on a federation of key metrics.


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