Implications of Deep Circuits in Improving Quality of Quantum Question Answering

by   Pragya Katyayan, et al.

Question Answering (QA) has proved to be an arduous challenge in the area of natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI). Many attempts have been made to develop complete solutions for QA as well as improving significant sub-modules of the QA systems to improve the overall performance through the course of time. Questions are the most important piece of QA, because knowing the question is equivalent to knowing what counts as an answer (Harrah in Philos Sci, 1961 [1]). In this work, we have attempted to understand questions in a better way by using Quantum Machine Learning (QML). The properties of Quantum Computing (QC) have enabled classically intractable data processing. So, in this paper, we have performed question classification on questions from two classes of SelQA (Selection-based Question Answering) dataset using quantum-based classifier algorithms-quantum support vector machine (QSVM) and variational quantum classifier (VQC) from Qiskit (Quantum Information Science toolKIT) for Python. We perform classification with both classifiers in almost similar environments and study the effects of circuit depths while comparing the results of both classifiers. We also use these classification results with our own rule-based QA system and observe significant performance improvement. Hence, this experiment has helped in improving the quality of QA in general.


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