Improved LM Test for Model Specification Searches in Covariance Structure Analysis

by   Bang Quan Zheng, et al.

Model specification searches and modifications are commonly employed in covariance structure analysis (CSA) or structural equation modeling (SEM) to improve the goodness-of-fit. However, these practices can be susceptible to capitalizing on chance, as a model that fits one sample may not generalize to another sample from the same population. This paper introduces the improved Lagrange Multipliers (LM) test, which provides a reliable method for conducting a thorough model specification search and effectively identifying missing parameters. By leveraging the stepwise bootstrap method in the standard LM and Wald tests, our data-driven approach enhances the accuracy of parameter identification. The results from Monte Carlo simulations and two empirical applications in political science demonstrate the effectiveness of the improved LM test, particularly when dealing with small sample sizes and models with large degrees of freedom. This approach contributes to better statistical fit and addresses the issue of capitalization on chance in model specification.


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