Improved Type III solar radio burst detection using congruent deep learning models

by   Jeremiah Scully, et al.

Solar flares are energetic events in the solar atmosphere that are often linked with solar radio bursts (SRBs). SRBs are observed at metric to decametric wavelengths and are classified into five spectral classes (Type I–V) based on their signature in dynamic spectra. The automatic detection and classification of SRBs is a challenge due to their heterogeneous form. Near-realtime detection and classification of SRBs has become a necessity in recent years due to large data rates generated by advanced radio telescopes such as the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR). In this study, we implement congruent deep learning models to automatically detect and classify Type III SRBs. We generated simulated Type III SRBs, which were comparable to Type IIIs seen in real observations, using a deep learning method known as Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). This simulated data was combined with observations from LOFAR to produce a training set that was used to train an object detection model known as YOLOv2 (You Only Look Once). Using this congruent deep learning model system, we can accurately detect Type III SRBs at a mean Average Precision (mAP) value of 77.71


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