Improving Robustness Against Adversarial Attacks with Deeply Quantized Neural Networks

by   Ferheen Ayaz, et al.

Reducing the memory footprint of Machine Learning (ML) models, particularly Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), is essential to enable their deployment into resource-constrained tiny devices. However, a disadvantage of DNN models is their vulnerability to adversarial attacks, as they can be fooled by adding slight perturbations to the inputs. Therefore, the challenge is how to create accurate, robust, and tiny DNN models deployable on resource-constrained embedded devices. This paper reports the results of devising a tiny DNN model, robust to adversarial black and white box attacks, trained with an automatic quantizationaware training framework, i.e. QKeras, with deep quantization loss accounted in the learning loop, thereby making the designed DNNs more accurate for deployment on tiny devices. We investigated how QKeras and an adversarial robustness technique, Jacobian Regularization (JR), can provide a co-optimization strategy by exploiting the DNN topology and the per layer JR approach to produce robust yet tiny deeply quantized DNN models. As a result, a new DNN model implementing this cooptimization strategy was conceived, developed and tested on three datasets containing both images and audio inputs, as well as compared its performance with existing benchmarks against various white-box and black-box attacks. Experimental results demonstrated that on average our proposed DNN model resulted in 8.3 MLCommons/Tiny benchmarks in the presence of white-box and black-box attacks on the CIFAR-10 image dataset and a subset of the Google Speech Commands audio dataset respectively. It was also 6.5 the SVHN image dataset.


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