Influence des mécanismes dissociés de ludifications sur l'apprentissage en support numérique de la lecture en classe primaire

by   Raphaël Marczak, et al.

The introduction of serious games as pedagogical supports in the field of education is a process gaining in popularity amongst the teaching community. This article creates a link between the integration of new pedagogical solutions in first-year primary class and the fundamental research on the motivation of the players/learners, detailing an experiment based on a game specifically developed, named QCM. QCM considers the learning worksheets issued from the Freinet pedagogy using various gameplay mechanisms. The main contribution of QCM in relation to more traditional games is the dissociation of immersion mechanisms, in order to improve the understanding of the user experience. This game also contains a system of gameplay metrics, the analysis of which shows a relative increase in the motivation of students using QCM instead of paper worksheets, while revealing large differences in students behavior in conjunction with the mechanisms of gamification employed. Keywords : Serious games, learning analytics, gamification, flow.


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