INSIGHT-1 at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Deep Learning for Multilingual Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

by   Sebastian Ruder, et al.

This paper describes our deep learning-based approach to multilingual aspect-based sentiment analysis as part of SemEval 2016 Task 5. We use a convolutional neural network (CNN) for both aspect extraction and aspect-based sentiment analysis. We cast aspect extraction as a multi-label classification problem, outputting probabilities over aspects parameterized by a threshold. To determine the sentiment towards an aspect, we concatenate an aspect vector with every word embedding and apply a convolution over it. Our constrained system (unconstrained for English) achieves competitive results across all languages and domains, placing first or second in 5 and 7 out of 11 language-domain pairs for aspect category detection (slot 1) and sentiment polarity (slot 3) respectively, thereby demonstrating the viability of a deep learning-based approach for multilingual aspect-based sentiment analysis.


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