Inverse and forward sparse-grids-based uncertainty quantification analysis of laser-based powder bed fusion of metals

by   Mihaela Chiappetta, et al.

The present paper aims at applying uncertainty quantification methodologies to process simulations of Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion of Metal. In particular, for a part-scale thermomechanical model of an Inconel 625 super-alloy beam, we study the uncertainties of three process parameters, namely the activation temperature, the powder convection coefficient and the gas convection coefficient. First, we perform a variance-based Global Sensitivity Analysis to study how each uncertain parameter contributes to the variability of the beam displacements. The results allow us to conclude that the gas convection coefficient has little impact and can therefore be fixed to a constant value for subsequent studies. Then, we conduct an inverse uncertainty quantification analysis, based on a Bayesian approach on synthetic displacements data, to quantify the uncertainties of the activation temperature and the powder convection coefficient. Finally, we use the results of the inverse uncertainty quantification analysis to perform a data-informed forward uncertainty quantification analysis of the residual strains. Crucially, we make use of surrogate models based on sparse grids to reduce the computational burden.


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