Inverse Reinforcement Learning With Constraint Recovery

by   Nirjhar Das, et al.

In this work, we propose a novel inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) algorithm for constrained Markov decision process (CMDP) problems. In standard IRL problems, the inverse learner or agent seeks to recover the reward function of the MDP, given a set of trajectory demonstrations for the optimal policy. In this work, we seek to infer not only the reward functions of the CMDP, but also the constraints. Using the principle of maximum entropy, we show that the IRL with constraint recovery (IRL-CR) problem can be cast as a constrained non-convex optimization problem. We reduce it to an alternating constrained optimization problem whose sub-problems are convex. We use exponentiated gradient descent algorithm to solve it. Finally, we demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithm for the grid world environment.


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