IoT Book Bot

by   Souvik Datta, et al.

In order to ease the process of library management many technologies have been adopted but most of them focus on inventory management. There has hardly been any progress of automation in the field of issuing and returning books to the library on time. In colleges and schools, hostellers often forget to timely return the issued books back to the library. To solve the above issue and to ensure timely submission of the issued books, this work develops a Book-Bot which solves these complexities. The bot can commute from point A to point B, scan and verify QR Codes and Barcodes. The bot will have a certain payload capacity for carrying books. The QR code and Barcode scanning will be enabled by a Pi Camera, OpenCV and Raspberry Pi, thus making the exchange of books safe and secure. The odometry maneuvers of the bot will be controlled manually via a Blynk App. This paper focuses on how human intervention can be reduced and automates the issue part of library management system with the help of a bot.


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