Knowledge Assembly: Semi-Supervised Multi-Task Learning from Multiple Datasets with Disjoint Labels

by   Federica Spinola, et al.

In real-world scenarios we often need to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. Multi-Task Learning (MTL) is an adequate method to do so, but usually requires datasets labeled for all tasks. We propose a method that can leverage datasets labeled for only some of the tasks in the MTL framework. Our work, Knowledge Assembly (KA), learns multiple tasks from disjoint datasets by leveraging the unlabeled data in a semi-supervised manner, using model augmentation for pseudo-supervision. Whilst KA can be implemented on any existing MTL networks, we test our method on jointly learning person re-identification (reID) and pedestrian attribute recognition (PAR). We surpass the single task fully-supervised performance by 4.2% points for reID and 0.9% points for PAR.


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