Look and Listen: A Multi-modality Late Fusion Approach to Scene Classification for Autonomous Machines

by   Jordan J. Bird, et al.

The novelty of this study consists in a multi-modality approach to scene classification, where image and audio complement each other in a process of deep late fusion. The approach is demonstrated on a difficult classification problem, consisting of two synchronised and balanced datasets of 16,000 data objects, encompassing 4.4 hours of video of 8 environments with varying degrees of similarity. We first extract video frames and accompanying audio at one second intervals. The image and the audio datasets are first classified independently, using a fine-tuned VGG16 and an evolutionary optimised deep neural network, with accuracies of 89.27 followed by late fusion of the two neural networks to enable a higher order function, leading to accuracy of 96.81 synchronised video frames and audio clips. The tertiary neural network implemented for late fusion outperforms classical state-of-the-art classifiers by around 3 generators. We show that situations where a single-modality may be confused by anomalous data points are now corrected through an emerging higher order integration. Prominent examples include a water feature in a city misclassified as a river by the audio classifier alone and a densely crowded street misclassified as a forest by the image classifier alone. Both are examples which are correctly classified by our multi-modality approach.


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