LUKE-Graph: A Transformer-based Approach with Gated Relational Graph Attention for Cloze-style Reading Comprehension

by   Shima Foolad, et al.

Incorporating prior knowledge can improve existing pre-training models in cloze-style machine reading and has become a new trend in recent studies. Notably, most of the existing models have integrated external knowledge graphs (KG) and transformer-based models, such as BERT into a unified data structure. However, selecting the most relevant ambiguous entities in KG and extracting the best subgraph remains a challenge. In this paper, we propose the LUKE-Graph, a model that builds a heterogeneous graph based on the intuitive relationships between entities in a document without using any external KG. We then use a Relational Graph Attention (RGAT) network to fuse the graph's reasoning information and the contextual representation encoded by the pre-trained LUKE model. In this way, we can take advantage of LUKE, to derive an entity-aware representation; and a graph model - to exploit relation-aware representation. Moreover, we propose Gated-RGAT by augmenting RGAT with a gating mechanism that regulates the question information for the graph convolution operation. This is very similar to human reasoning processing because they always choose the best entity candidate based on the question information. Experimental results demonstrate that the LUKE-Graph achieves state-of-the-art performance on the ReCoRD dataset with commonsense reasoning.


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