Meta-Maintanance for Dockerfiles: Are We There Yet?

by   Takeru Tanaka, et al.

Docker allows for the packaging of applications and dependencies, and its instructions are described in Dockerfiles. Nowadays, version pinning is recommended to avoid unexpected changes in the latest version of a package. However, version pinning in Dockerfiles is not yet fully realized (only 17k of the 141k Dockerfiles we analyzed), because of the difficulties caused by version pinning. To maintain Dockerfiles with version-pinned packages, it is important to update package versions, not only for improved functionality, but also for software supply chain security, as packages are changed to address vulnerabilities and bug fixes. However, when updating multiple version-pinned packages, it is necessary to understand the dependencies between packages and ensure version compatibility, which is not easy. To address this issue, we explore the applicability of the meta-maintenance approach, which aims to distribute the successful updates in a part of a group that independently maintains a common artifact. We conduct an exploratory analysis of 7,914 repositories on GitHub that hold Dockerfiles, which retrieve packages on GitHub by URLs. There were 385 repository groups with the same multiple package combinations, and 208 groups had Dockerfiles with newer version combinations compared to others, which are considered meta-maintenance applicable. Our findings support the potential of meta-maintenance for updating multiple version-pinned packages and also reveal future challenges.


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