Mobility and Science operations On An Asteroid Using a Hopping Small Spacecraft on Stilts

by   H. Kalita, et al.

There are thousands of asteroids in near-Earth space and millions in the Main Belt. They are diverse in physical properties and composition and are time capsules of the early solar system. This makes them strategic locations for planetary science, resource mining, planetary defense/security and as interplanetary depots and communication relays. Landing on a small asteroid and manipulating its surface materials remains a major unsolved challenge fraught with high risk. The asteroid surface may contain everything from hard boulders to soft regolith loosely held by cohesion and very low-gravity. Upcoming missions Hayabusa II and OSIRIS-REx will perform touch and go operations to mitigate the risks of landing on an asteroid. This limits the contact time and requires fuel expenditure for hovering. An important unknown is the problem of getting stuck or making a hard impact with the surface. The Spacecraft Penetrator for Increasing Knowledge of NEOs (SPIKE) mission concept will utilize a small-satellite bus that is propelled using a xenon-fueled ion engine and will contain an extendable, low-mass, high-strength boom with a tip containing force-moment sensors. SPIKE will enable contact with the asteroid surface, where it will perform detailed regolith analysis and seismology as well as penetrometry, while keeping the main spacecraft bus at a safe distance. Using one or more long stilts frees the spacecraft from having to hover above the asteroid and thus substantially reduces or eliminates fuel use when doing science operations. This enables much longer missions that include a series of hops to multiple locations on the small-body surface.


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