Multi-Modal Machine Learning for Flood Detection in News, Social Media and Satellite Sequences
In this paper we present our methods for the MediaEval 2019 Mul-timedia Satellite Task, which is aiming to extract complementaryinformation associated with adverse events from Social Media andsatellites. For the first challenge, we propose a framework jointly uti-lizing colour, object and scene-level information to predict whetherthe topic of an article containing an image is a flood event or not.Visual features are combined using early and late fusion techniquesachieving an average F1-score of82.63,82.40,81.40and76.77. Forthe multi-modal flood level estimation, we rely on both visualand textual information achieving an average F1-score of58.48and46.03, respectively. Finally, for the flooding detection in time-based satellite image sequences we used a combination of classicalcomputer-vision and machine learning approaches achieving anaverage F1-score of58.82