Multi-Use Trust in Crowdsourced IoT Services

by   Mohammed Bahutair, et al.

We introduce the concept of adaptive trust in crowdsourced IoT services. It is a customized fine-grained trust tailored for specific IoT consumers. Usage patterns of IoT consumers are exploited to provide an accurate trust value for service providers. A novel adaptive trust management framework is proposed to assess the dynamic trust of IoT services. The framework leverages a novel detection algorithm to obtain trust indicators that are likely to influence the trust level of a specific IoT service type. Detected trust indicators are then used to build service-to-indicator model to evaluate a service's trust at each indicator. Similarly, a usage-to-indicator model is built to obtain the importance of each trust indicator for a particular usage scenario. The per-indicator trust and the importance of each trust indicator are utilized to obtain an overall value of a given service for a specific consumer. We conduct a set of experiments on a real dataset to show the effectiveness of the proposed framework.


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