Multiscale Governance

by   David Pastor-Escuredo, et al.

Future societal systems will be characterized by heterogeneous human behaviors and also collective action. The interaction between local systems and global systems will be complex. Humandemics will propagate because of the pathways that connect the different systems and several invariant behaviors and patterns that have emerged globally. On the contrary, infodemics of misinformation can be a risk as it has occurred in the COVID-19 pandemic. The emerging fragility or robustness of the system will depend on how this complex network of systems is governed. Future societal systems will not be only multiscale in terms of the social dimension, but also in the temporality. Necessary and proper prevention and response systems based on complexity, ethic and multi-scale governance will be required. Real-time response systems are the basis for resilience to be the foundation of robust societies. A top-down approach led by Governmental organs for managing humandemics is not sufficient and may be only effective if policies are very restrictive and their efficacy depends not only in the measures implemented but also on the dynamics of the policies and the population perception and compliance. This top-down approach is even weaker if there is not national and international coordination. Coordinating top-down agencies with bottom-up constructs will be the design principle. Multi-scale governance integrates decision-making processes with signaling, sensing and leadership mechanisms to drive thriving societal systems with real-time sensitivity.


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