NFRsTDO v1.2's Terms, Properties, and Relationships – A Top-Domain Non-Functional Requirements Ontology

by   Luis Olsina, et al.

This preprint specifies and defines all the Terms, Properties, and Relationships of NFRsTDO (Non-Functional Requirements Top-Domain Ontology). NFRsTDO v1.2, whose UML conceptualization is shown in Figure 1 is a slightly updated version of its predecessor, namely NFRsTDO v1.1. NFRsTDO is an ontology mainly devoted to quality (non-functional) requirements and quality/cost views, which is placed at the top-domain level in the context of a multilayer ontological architecture called FCD-OntoArch (Foundational, Core, Domain, and instance Ontological Architecture for sciences). Figure 2 depicts its five tiers, which entail Foundational, Core, Top-Domain, Low-Domain, and Instance. Each level is populated with ontological components or, in other words, ontologies. Ontologies at the same level can be related to each other, except at the foundational level, where only ThingFO (Thing Foundational Ontology) is found. In addition, ontologies' terms and relationships at lower levels can be semantically enriched by ontologies' terms and relationships from the higher levels. NFRsTDO's terms and relationships are mainly extended/reused from ThingFO, SituationCO (Situation Core Ontology), ProcessCO (Process Core Ontology), and FRsTDO (Functional Requirements Top-Domain Ontology). Stereotypes are the used mechanism for enriching NFRsTDO terms. Note that annotations of updates from the previous version (NFRsTDO v1.1) to the current one (v1.2) can be found in Appendix A.


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