OHQ: On-chip Hardware-aware Quantization

by   Wei Huang, et al.

Quantization emerges as one of the most promising approaches for deploying advanced deep models on resource-constrained hardware. Mixed-precision quantization leverages multiple bit-width architectures to unleash the accuracy and efficiency potential of quantized models. However, existing mixed-precision quantization suffers exhaustive search space that causes immense computational overhead. The quantization process thus relies on separate high-performance devices rather than locally, which also leads to a significant gap between the considered hardware metrics and the real deployment.In this paper, we propose an On-chip Hardware-aware Quantization (OHQ) framework that performs hardware-aware mixed-precision quantization without accessing online devices. First, we construct the On-chip Quantization Awareness (OQA) pipeline, enabling perceive the actual efficiency metrics of the quantization operator on the hardware.Second, we propose Mask-guided Quantization Estimation (MQE) technique to efficiently estimate the accuracy metrics of operators under the constraints of on-chip-level computing power.By synthesizing network and hardware insights through linear programming, we obtain optimized bit-width configurations. Notably, the quantization process occurs on-chip entirely without any additional computing devices and data access. We demonstrate accelerated inference after quantization for various architectures and compression ratios, achieving 70 improves latency by 15 30


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