On Singleton Self-Loop Removal for Termination of LCTRSs with Bit-Vector Arithmetic
As for term rewrite systems, the dependency pair (DP, for short) framework with several kinds of DP processors is useful for proving termination of logically constrained term rewrite systems (LCTRSs, for short). However, the polynomial interpretation processor is not so effective against LCTRSs with bit-vector arithmetic (BV-LCTRSs, for short). In this paper, we propose a novel DP processor for BV-LCTRSs to solve a singleton DP problem consisting of a dependency pair forming a self-loop. The processor is based on an acyclic directed graph such that the nodes are bit-vectors and any dependency chain of the problem is projected to a path of the graph. We show a sufficient condition for the existence of such an acyclic graph, and simplify it for a specific case.