On the Complexity of Distributed Splitting Problems

by   Philipp Bamberger, et al.

One of the fundamental open problems in the area of distributed graph algorithms is the question of whether randomization is needed for efficient symmetry breaking. While there are fast, poly n-time randomized distributed algorithms for all of the classic symmetry breaking problems, for many of them, the best deterministic algorithms are almost exponentially slower. The following basic local splitting problem, which is known as the weak splitting problem takes a central role in this context: Each node of a graph G=(V,E) has to be colored red or blue such that each node of sufficiently large degree has at least one node of each color among its neighbors. Ghaffari, Kuhn, and Maus [STOC '17] showed that this seemingly simple problem is complete w.r.t. the above fundamental open question in the following sense: If there is an efficient poly n-time determinstic distributed algorithm for weak splitting, then there is such an algorithm for all locally checkable graph problems for which an efficient randomized algorithm exists. In this paper, we investigate the distributed complexity of weak splitting and some closely related problems. E.g., we obtain efficient algorithms for special cases of weak splitting, where the graph is nearly regular. In particular, we show that if δ and Δ are the minimum and maximum degrees of G and if δ=Ω( n), weak splitting can be solved deterministically in time O(Δ/δ·poly( n)). Further, if δ = Ω( n) and Δ≤ 2^εδ, there is a randomized algorithm with time complexity O(Δ/δ·poly( n)).


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