On the Efficient Evaluation of the Azimuthal Fourier Components of the Green's Function for Helmholtz's Equation in Cylindrical Coordinates

by   James Garritano, et al.

In this manuscript, we develop an efficient algorithm to evaluate the azimuthal Fourier components of the Green's function for the Helmholtz equation in cylindrical coordinates. A computationally efficient algorithm for this modal Green's function is essential for solvers for electromagnetic scattering from bodies of revolution (e.g., radar cross sections, antennas). Current algorithms to evaluate this modal Green's function become computationally intractable when the source and target are close or when the wavenumber is large. Furthermore, most state of the art methods cannot be easily parallelized. In this manuscript, we present an algorithm for evaluating the modal Green's function that has performance independent of both source-to-target proximity and wavenumber, and whose cost grows as O(m), where m is the Fourier mode. Furthermore, our algorithm is embarrassingly parallelizable.


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