On the Weisfeiler-Leman Dimension of Fractional Packing

by   V. Arvind, et al.

The k-dimensional Weisfeiler-Leman procedure (k-WL), which colors k-tuples of vertices in rounds based on the neighborhood structure in the graph, has proven to be immensely fruitful in the algorithmic study of Graph Isomorphism. More generally, it is of fundamental importance in understanding and exploiting symmetries in graphs in various settings. Two graphs are k-WL-equivalent if the k-dimensional Weisfeiler-Leman procedure produces the same final coloring on both graphs. 1-WL-equivalence is known as fractional isomorphism of graphs, and the k-WL-equivalence relation becomes finer as k increases. We investigate to what extent standard graph parameters are preserved by k-WL-equivalence, focusing on fractional graph packing numbers.


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