One Shot Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification

by   Yang Fu, et al.

How to effectively address the domain adaptation problem is a challenging task for person re-identification (reID). In this work, we make the first endeavour to tackle this issue according to one shot learning. Given an annotated source training set and a target training set that only one instance for each category is annotated, we aim to achieve competitive re-ID performance on the testing set of the target domain. To this end, we introduce a similarity-guided strategy to progressively assign pseudo labels to unlabeled instances with different confidence scores, which are in turn leveraged as weights to guide the optimization as training goes on. Collaborating with a simple self-mining operation, we make significant improvement in the domain adaptation tasks of re-ID. In particular, we achieve the mAP of 71.5 adaptation task of DukeMTMC-reID to Market1501 with one shot setting, which outperforms the state-of-arts of unsupervised domain adaptation more than 17.8 fully supervised setting on Market-1501. Code will be made available.


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