Optimizing Visual Cortex Parameterization with Error-Tolerant Teichmuller Map in Retinotopic Mapping

by   Yanshuai Tu, et al.

The mapping between the visual input on the retina to the cortical surface, i.e., retinotopic mapping, is an important topic in vision science and neuroscience. Human retinotopic mapping can be revealed by analyzing cortex functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) signals when the subject is under specific visual stimuli. Conventional methods process, smooth, and analyze the retinotopic mapping based on the parametrization of the (partial) cortical surface. However, the retinotopic maps generated by this approach frequently contradict neuropsychology results. To address this problem, we propose an integrated approach that parameterizes the cortical surface, such that the parametric coordinates linearly relates the visual coordinate. The proposed method helps the smoothing of noisy retinotopic maps and obtains neurophysiological insights in human vision systems. One key element of the approach is the Error-Tolerant Teichmuller Map, which uniforms the angle distortion and maximizes the alignments to self-contradicting landmarks. We validated our overall approach with synthetic and real retinotopic mapping datasets. The experimental results show the proposed approach is superior in accuracy and compatibility. Although we focus on retinotopic mapping, the proposed framework is general and can be applied to process other human sensory maps.


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