Pandemic and disability: Challenges faced and role of technology
The pandemic has affected every facet of human life. Apart from individuals psychological and mental health issues, the concern regarding mobility, access and communication with high risk infection is a challenging situation. People with disability are more likely vulnerable to infections. The new changes in our social lifestyle (social distancing, limiting touch) can profoundly impact the day today life of people with disability. In this paper, we will briefly discuss the situation faced by individuals with disabilities, some known remedies, and yet to be identified and curated technological remedies; the impact due to transition of special education toward online mode. Tips and tricks for better utilization of work from home concept by people with disabilities. Accessibility must be universal, accommodating all and encouraging inclusivity. As rightly said by Helen Keller, 'The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision'; subsequently, going by the demand of the time, we should contribute toward the universal design approach by supporting people with disabilities and commit to the changes required in disability care to reduce the impact of pandemic. Keywords: Disabilities, pandemic, corona virus, inclusive