Physics-Informed Statistical Modeling for Wildfire Aerosols Process Using Multi-Source Geostationary Satellite Remote-Sensing Data Streams

by   Guanzhou Wei, et al.

Increasingly frequent wildfires significantly affect solar energy production as the atmospheric aerosols generated by wildfires diminish the incoming solar radiation to the earth. Atmospheric aerosols are measured by Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD), and AOD data streams can be retrieved and monitored by geostationary satellites. However, multi-source remote-sensing data streams often present heterogeneous characteristics, including different data missing rates, measurement errors, systematic biases, and so on. To accurately estimate and predict the underlying AOD propagation process, there exist practical needs and theoretical interests to propose a physics-informed statistical approach for modeling wildfire AOD propagation by simultaneously utilizing, or fusing, multi-source heterogeneous satellite remote-sensing data streams. Leveraging a spectral approach, the proposed approach integrates multi-source satellite data streams with a fundamental advection-diffusion equation that governs the AOD propagation process. A bias correction process is included in the statistical model to account for the bias of the physics model and the truncation error of the Fourier series. The proposed approach is applied to California wildfires AOD data streams obtained from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Comprehensive numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the predictive capabilities and model interpretability of the proposed approach. Computer code has been made available on GitHub.


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