Post-Quantum Era in V2X Security: Convergence of Orchestration and Parallel Computation

by   Engin Zeydan, et al.

Along with the potential emergence of quantum computing, safety and security of new and complex communication services such as automated driving need to be redefined in the post-quantum era. To ensure reliable, continuous and secure operation of these scenarios, quantum resistant security algorithms (QRSAs) that enable secure connectivity must be integrated into the network management and orchestration systems of mobile networks. This paper explores a roadmap study of post-quantum era convergence with cellular connectivity using the Service Computation Orchestrator (SCO) framework for enhanced data security in radio access and backhaul transmission with a particular focus on Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) services. Using NTRU as a QSRA, we have shown that the parallelization performance of Toom-Cook and Karatsuba computation methods can vary based on different CPU load conditions through extensive simulations and that the SCO framework can facilitate the selection of the most efficient computation for a given QRSA. Finally, we discuss the evaluation results, identify the current standardization efforts, and possible directions for the coexistence of post-quantum and mobile network connectivity through a SCO framework that leverages parallel computing.


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